While the first two years of a child’s life are spent in the creation of a child’s first „sense of self”, most children are able to differentiate between themselves and others by their second year. This differentiation is crucial to …

Niepubliczne Przedszkole Zaczarowany Ołówek
strona przedszkola Zaczarowany Ołówek, Nowa Iwiczna ul. Niezpominajki 2
Niepubliczne Przedszkole Zaczarowany Ołówek
strona przedszkola Zaczarowany Ołówek, Nowa Iwiczna ul. Niezpominajki 2
While the first two years of a child’s life are spent in the creation of a child’s first „sense of self”, most children are able to differentiate between themselves and others by their second year. This differentiation is crucial to …